Final media monitoring report summary report memo 98. It hosts the global media monitoring project gmmp, the worlds largest and longest running research and advocacy initiative that seeks to advance gender equality in and through the news media. Conflict in south sudan and the challenges ahead congressional research service summary south sudan, which separated from sudan in 2011 after almost 40 years of civil war, was drawn into a devastating new conflict in late 20, when a political dispute that overlapped with preexisting ethnic and political fault lines turned violent. Sample media monitoring reportslovakia 109 included with. The complete guide 6 monitoring social media for plaudits, criticism and. Unmiss bentiu poc update displacement tracking and. Adopting resolution 2327 2016, security council grants. The united nations mission in south sudan unmiss maintained facilities at. South sudanese president signs broadcast bill into law. Final results of each global media monitoring project are published in reports that provide an extensive analysis of gender representation and portrayal in the worlds news media in the 21st century. The security council extended the mandate of the united nations mission in south sudan unmiss until 15 march 2020, demanding that parties end the fighting and signaling its intention to consider all measures, including an arms embargo, against those obstructing peace in the wartorn nation. Event tracking and head count report pibor unmiss adjacent area aa 12 march 2020.
So i design a layout and make a html coding then finally meet the final output as a web pagehtml file. In this context, the human rights monitoring and reporting work of unmiss. Social media report example pdf drag and drop metrics to create a fullycustomized social media report for your clients. Spla begins arm collection in juba report spla troops began a dawn operation yesterday to confiscate illegal arms. Through its monitoring, hrd also observed that authorities in south sudan. Investment company contact information this section provides the phone number for the investment companies in the report. Monitoring is a continuing function that uses systematic collection of data on specific indicators to provide the management and the main stakeholders of an ongoing. The report was prepared pursuant to unmisss mandate under united nations security council resolution 2252 2015, and as extended by resolution 2304 2016, to monitor, investigate, verify, and report publicly and regularly on abuses and violations of human rights and violations. This report was discussed at the 14th ctsamm members meeting on 24 october and again at the. On 12 july, the president of south sudan announced that more than 300 soldiers had been killed as a result of the fighting,4 but information received by unmiss suggests that the number of fatalities, including civilians, is much higher. Unmiss united nations mission in south sudan media monitoring report november 20. Media monitoring and analysis from a single platform.
South sudanese belligerents would fear that any attack on pdf troops would. Unmiss short mission brief tufts selfserve blogs and websites. Report of the secretarygeneralon information and communications technology in the united nations a69517. Unmiss was established on 8 july 2011 by united nations security council resolution 1996 2011.
Based upon over 160 personal interviews and the professional experience of the authors, the report provides nononsense, practical, short and longterm actions to reduce fatalities. Monitoring and evaluating scotlands alcohol strategy. Dec 16, 2016 joseph moum majak ngor malok south sudan welcomed the renewal and extension of the mandate of the united nations mission in south sudan unmiss for 12 months, during which time the mission. Find unmiss on twitter find unmiss on facebook find unmiss on youtube find unmiss on flickr find unmiss on tumblr find unmiss on instagram find unmiss on vimeo unmiss rss feed.
The state of human rights in the protracted conflict in south. Security council established unmis to monitor and promote implementation of the. Electronic media radio monitoring was conducted by idra. Monitoring and evaluating scotlands alcohol strategy mesas. Mar 15, 2019 the security council decided today to extend the mandate of the united nations mission in the republic of south sudan unmiss for one year, while maintaining its ceiling of 17,000 troops. That file finally became the template for media monitoring report. Memo 98 expanded our media monitoring project in the week beginmng on july 20, 1998 to include five major newspapers. South sudan is a republic operating under the terms of a peace agreement signed in august 2015 and renewed in september. The site adjacent to pibor unmiss is estimated to host approximately 1,553 idps as of 29 march 2020. This figure is an estimate based on a calculation multiplying the average household size with. In adopting resolution 1996 2011 on 8 july 2011, the security council determined that the situation faced by south sudan continued to constitute a threat to international peace and security in the region and established the united nations mission in the republic of south sudan unmiss to consolidate peace and security and to help establish conditions for development. Thematic segments brought together experts from united nations agencies, governments and international organizations to discuss issues such as good governance, environmental management, community education and the role of the media in disaster prevention.
Juba, 080914 south sudans president, salva kiir, has finally. Field project monitoring report field monitoring report programmeproject title. Special report of the secretarygeneral on the renewal of. Monitoring the scenarios for south sudan in 2020 pax. Produce daily media monitoring reports, social media update, television newscast summaries, special media report and other editorial products.
Media monitoring is listening to whos saying what about your brand, your competitors, your industry, and any other topic thats important to you and your operations. Prior to this, the council expects a briefing, followed by consultations, on the secretarygenerals 90day report. A number of side events were also held which attracted extensive media attention. Event tracking and head count report pibor unmiss adjacent. Arabic, bahasa indonesia, chinese, danish, farsi, german, italian, korean, malay, norwegian, polish, portuguese, swahili and turkish. This report, which is prepared by the monitoring and evaluation team at sfcgtl, examines the results of these surveys in regard to each radio programming in order to truly evaluate the reach, resonance and response of sfcgtl media programming, learn about the radio listenership habits of timorese.
Deployed unite fuel in unmiss, south sudan umoja mainstreaming developed technical procedures and. Org local dailies according to for arms, sealing routes leading in and out of the city and the ncp office was also not spared. Media monitoring is a tool to report update and news on mining and construction industry. The state of human rights in the protracted conflict in south sudan the protection of civilians poc site near bentiu in unity state, south sudan, 2014. Unmiss 1 was established on 8 july 2011 by united nations security council resolution 1996 2011. Electronic media tv monitoring was conducted by iso. Rapid site flow monitoring captures only the most basic information on numbers, departure.
United nations mission in sudan public information office note. The resulting media intelligence is packaged according to client specifications and delivered to those. Ctsamm report 054 ctsamm monitoring report augustseptember 2017 your excellency, please find attached a ct samm monitoring report which covers issues arising from ctsamm monitoring activity for august and september 2017. Apr 12, 2020 following the crisis which broke out in south sudan in december 20, the security council, by its resolution 2155 2014 of 27 may 2014, reinforced unmiss and reprioritized its mandate towards the protection of civilians, human rights monitoring, and support for the delivery of humanitarian assistance and for the implementation of the. Ceasefire monitoring in south sudan united states institute of peace. Near verbatim transcript media briefing by the special representative of the secretarygeneral and head of the united nations mission in south.
Cambodia community based adaptation programme ccbap key objective of field visit to monitor the field progress results of grantees in kampong speu and takeo provinces. Media monitoring and analysis agility pr solutions. Media monitoring and analysis service a firm that aggregates information gathered by traditional and social media content providers, using its software to compile and analyze that information sometimes further refined by human analysts. In addition to the four languages mentioned above, media monitoring generated articles in the following languages not included in this report. Ioms displacement tracking matrix is monitoring movements into and out of pibor unmiss adjacent area. Unmiss convened a meeting with representatives from the gorss and the splaio following. May 16, 2012 the responsible person creates a marketing report report gradual aggregation evolution. Its keeping your eyes and ears open to the conversation around your brand, a conversation that is happening at all times everywhere. Assessing the of the united nations mission in south sudan unmiss. Note to correspondents on the report on improving security.
Who we arethe unmiss human rights division, which also represents the office of the high commissioner for human rights ohchr in south sudan, works to promote human rights in the worlds newest country. The state of human rights in the protracted conflict in. The first media monitoring report assessed the findings from 1 to 23 october 2015, the second monitoring report assessed the findings from 15 to 28 february 2016, the third moni toring report evaluated the findings from 1 to 14 june 2016, and the fourth monitoring report assessed the findings from 10 to 23 october 2016 1. Security council extends mandate of united nations mission in. Who makes the news wmtn is a knowledge, information and resource portal on media, gender and other axes of discrimination. Nielsencga sales dataset offtrade sales from 2011 onwards adjusted to account for the. Pdf unmiss united nations mission in south sudan media.
Unanimously adopting resolution 2406 2018 under the united nations charters chapter vii, the. Under security council resolutions 1996 2011, 2046 2012 and 2057 2012, the unmiss human rights division is mandated to monitor, investigate and report on human rights and potential violations and report gross violations to the security council. Novy cas, sme, pravda, praca and slovenska republika our data reveal that four of the newspapers monitored tend to portray the government and hzds in a negative light. Read, download and publish sudan magazines, ebooks for free. Mar 31, 2020 the site adjacent to pibor unmiss is estimated to host approximately 1,553 idps as of 29 march 2020. Start with the facebook concrete and important editorial report facebook report, add detail report content report, and later include management summaries community mangement twitter report report summary roi dashboard dashboard blog report earned. Box 29, juba, south sudan 28 may, 2014 unmiss protection of civilians poc sites i as of 28 may, the estimated number of civilians seeking safety in ten protection of civilians poc sites located on unmiss bases is 91,541. Unmiss medical personnel take necessary precautions to keep staff safe and healthy, assist local populations on this years world health day, the world faces an. Examples of elections media monitoring reports and media. The unmiss human rights division hrd has based this report principally on the work of its teams in documenting and investigating allegations of human rights violations and abuses, as well as serious violations of international humanitarian law. Note to correspondents on the report on improving security of peacekeepers 2017 saw the highest number of peacekeeper fatalities through violent acts in over two decades, with 56 peacekeepers killed.
The united nations mission in south sudan unmiss is the newest united nations peacekeeping mission for the recently independent south sudan, which became independent on 9 july 2011. This section defines each benchmark index used in the report. The reports focus is to change the way the united nations does business in highsecurity risk peacekeeping operations. This report provides an update by monitoring developments since. Unmiss bentiu poc update displacement tracking and monitoring.
These topic pages provide a quick overview and easy access to all content that can be found on ace for any give topic of interest weather encyclopaedia files, electoral materials, comparative data, consolidated replies, case studies, or other. Glossary this section displays terms and descriptions for all of the relevant data points used throughout the report. Ohchr is represented in south sudan by the human rights component of unmiss. Experience the power of news, social media, print, tv and radio coverage in a single mediamonitoring solution. One of the project objectives was the development of a research manual as an instructive guide to media monitoring. Who is also assisting the moh to establish an incident management system to strengthen countrywide. The complete guide 1 everything you wanted to know about media monitoring. Reproduction here does not mean that the unmis pio can vouch for the accuracy or veracity of the contents, nor does this report reflect the views of the united nations mission in sudan. Unmiss protection of civilians poc site in upper nile states melut town.
94 1063 715 1308 584 842 138 580 825 667 508 1492 409 381 1177 1423 213 53 244 1154 1134 1401 1228 691 1212 39 134 1006 1398 1505 183 1126 207 532 180 362 318 543 848 698 95 54 233 1241 797 663